Thursday, March 6, 2008

a quick update

No, we're not dead! sorry for the incredible lag in posts.

We just wanted to tell you that zach and our friend, aaron, are starting to write hit songs. they have two so far, and will all be about the same thing. the end of summer. You should email us if you want to here them! They are both really good! Also, if anyone knows how to put songs up on this blog...will you please tell us!?

Tomorrow is friday here. not any friday though...First Friday! i have my second art show going on, which is called a day in the life. we gave out cameras for students to photograph their life here...and there were a ton of pics of campus. This is silly. this campus is ugly. for reals. The show will be lovely though, at least its cohesive.

Love love,
Becca and Zach

1 comment:

IS said...

I have no idea how to post mp3s here, but maybe you could host them on or some similar site, and then post links to them? It's really not the same, but it's something.